So, you’re a small business owner who needs the kind of reliable IT services that provide consistent backing for your computer networking needs.

You need full data accessibility and backups, compliance-level security, and IT systems that speed your productivity and project management abilities. Welcome to SymTec, your leader among IT companies in Idaho Falls ID.

We Provide Only What You Need, When You Need It

One of our core principles is that we only provide clients with the appropriate IT solutions when they are called for – nothing more, nothing less (unless you request it).

We also only recommend hardware upgrades or additional services when and only when it benefits you and your IT network. Our sole commitment is to our customers and what you need. We also won’t accept payment from third-party vendors, or recommend any partner who’s not a proper fit for our clients’ needs.

We don’t apply our service protocols in a blanket way. Instead, we meet with our clients and listen first to their operational and structural needs, and only when we understand them will we implement the solution that best serves our client.

Earning Your Loyalty and Trust

We believe our clients deserve to have their business earned each month through the benefits our IT services firm provides. And, they should also have the flexibility to properly adapt to their ongoing business needs and circumstances. To this end, our services are provided with no specified contract length.

Constant Improvement, Commitment to Excellence

It’s another of our express aims to be open to change, and to always be developing our service procedures. This helps us be the best choice of all Idaho Falls IT support companies, and to excellence in performing what we do best.

We embrace change with careful evaluation of the improvements it provides both to ourselves and our customers. We embrace the complexity of change and see opportunity in its inconvenience, resulting in advantages in the long run for both us and our loyal customers.

In Need of IT Services in Idaho Falls?

As your in-house IT management firm, SymTec can save you money, improve your overall business processes, and provide you an on-call advisor to help with any of your IT decisions or projects.

With SymTec, you can augment your own team and streamline your daily business operations to increase efficiency and reduce the risks and headaches associated with doing your own IT management. To this end, we feature flat-rate monthly plans with unlimited support.

Do you have current computer network repair needs, are you making changes to your office network configuration, or do you need expert advice to make the right purchases or upgrades? Call us to learn about our managed service and/or one-time, hourly service options.

Why Choose Symtec?

There are many IT services companies in Idaho Falls, ID, but how many of them can truly say that they are concerned with more than machines and software, and making sales?

We understand implicitly that your success equals our success, and our approach is to create a system and keep a ready tech support team on hand that will truly and adequately support you and help you succeed.

What’s Our Business IT Process?

Each client of ours gets a solid “round” of security-focused business IT support, and here’s how it breaks down:

  1. We begin with an overall assessment of your computer network health, with ongoing monitoring.
  2. We then implement Asset Tracking, or monitoring of hardware and software on every PC or computer in your network.
  3. We scan for any malware programs and set about ridding them from any infected computer on your network. Install antivirus software where needed.
  4. We run Patch Management Monitoring with automated updates.
  5. We back it all up with remote support that’s on-call and ready to field any of your support requests.

Need Cloud Services Experts?

What company today doesn’t require a trusted cloud computing advisor? We’re Microsoft Office 365 specialists who can help you navigate the waters of this popular email platform and document management software.

As a Microsoft Silver Cloud Services partner, this is a great option for small businesses. Call us today to see what’s included and how affordable the solution can be. (You’ll also save money with direct Microsoft purchasing.)

We also have home service plans for those working from home. And, we bring the same rigorous standards to residential accounts as we do commercial ones!

Ready for IT support services in Idaho Falls ID that won’t disappoint or let you down?

We want to hear your story.

Contact Us to Get Started Right Away

If you’re ready for a leader among Idaho Falls ID IT companies to optimize your IT management, then contact us today at (800) 489-1706 or our local St. George office at (435) 817-9471, or by secure email form for more info.